Videos & Webinars

Building Simple Action Plans to Strengthen Your Well Being

Our CSCH  "Building Simple Action Plans to Strengthen Your Well Being" Webinar is geared to school personnel. See accompanying materials. Building Simple Action Plans to Strengthen Your Well Being Webinar Video

The Importance of School-Home Intersections: Language, Culture, and Health in the Florida Heartland

CSCH Live Talk by Rebecca Campbell-Montalvo, PhD - October 2017

It Takes Two

CSCH Affiliate Ruth Lucas, PhD, discusses how breastfeeding takes effort on the part of both the baby and the mother

Teacher Wellbeing: Secure Your Own Oxygen Mask First Before Attending to Others

CSCH Live Talk by Lisa Sanetti, PhD - October 2017

The Boy Who Learned How to Play

CSCH Live Talk by Jaci VanHeest, PhD - October 2017