WSCC: Think about the Link Project

Check out our WSCC Practice and Policy blueprints that guide practice and policy planning efforts around the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model. Our CSCH Brief explains the WSCC Practice and Policy Blueprints and gives tips for how to get started.
Learn about our CT WSCC Partnership.
About the WSCC Think About the Link Project
WSCC: Think About the Link is a project designed to facilitate school efforts in integrating health and learning. Schools can enhance their support systems by incorporating the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model in decision-making across academic, social, emotional, behavioral, and physical domains of functioning. Project materials guide work in coordination of policies, processes, and practices relevant to school and child well-being.
The WSCC model includes 10 domains – or gears – that work together in facilitating whole child well-being. Read our domain definitions.
Our WellSAT WSCC offers a comprehensive tool for school policy evaluation.
Our materials show evidence-informed practices aligned with the WSCC model.
Our Blueprints guide WSCC action planning, implementation, and evaluation.
The project represents CSCH partnerships with colleagues from the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, New Haven Public Schools and the Connecticut State Department of Education and is funded through the UConn OVPR’s Research Excellence Program, the Neag Foundation and individual donors.