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COVID-19 Study and Resources

Our latest email shared information about a COVID-19 study that our research team is doing, a short list of resources from some great organizations and how to help those in need and provided needed supplies. We have included some of those here.

Seeking Caregivers of Children for Online Study

Through funding provided through the InCHIP Rapid Response Proposals to Address COVID-19 program, Dr. Sandy Chafouleas and Emily Iovino are conducting a study to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the personal well-being of caregivers of children with and without developmental disabilities. They are recruiting diverse family caregivers of children with and without developmental disabilities (aged 6 to 18) to participate in an initial online survey – along with a follow-up survey and potential interview. Incentives will be provided for participation beyond the initial survey. The goal of the study is to contribute to the development of guidance on how to support caregivers of children with and without DD in the wake of a global pandemic. More information about the study, including links to participate can be found at https://caregiverstudy.uconn.edu.

COVID-19 Resources

From our Affiliates and Partners

Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut
The CHDI mission is to ensure healthy outcomes for all children in Connecticut by advancing effective policies, stronger systems, and innovative practices. The COVID-19 resource list includes information and resources for parents, educators and childcare and health providers, including local and national resources.

Clifford Beers Clinic (New Haven, CT)
Clifford Beers brings leading-edge solutions to children and families seeking mental, physical and social wellness. The COVID-19 resource page includes links and phone numbers to resources for basic physical needs (e.g., food, financial assistance, physical and mental health), and other local CT resources.

The Village for Children and Families (Hartford, CT)
The Village mission is to build a community of strong, healthy families who protect and nurture children. The COVID-19 resource page includes videos and links to resources and articles for families, children and providers.

Ci3T: Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tiered Model of Prevention
The Ci3T website hosts materials to support educators and families as we transition to a world of online and continuous learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes a series of brief practice guides to support positive, productive environments for students, families, educators, and administrators.

From Related Organizations

Voices for Healthy Kids
Voices for Healthy Kids works around the country to improve or create equitable policies that will make the places kids, live, learn, and play healthier. The COVID-19 resources include a section for schools, early care & education centers, and parents.

Healthy Schools Campaign
The mission of HSC is to ensure that all children have access to healthy school environments where they can learn and thrive. The COVID-19 Resource Hub includes resources for parents, teachers, schools, school nurses and cleaning staff.

Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Healthier Generation provides free, evidence-based resources to support the physical, social, and emotional health of children and & their caregivers. The COVID-19 Update and Resources page focuses on nutrition, physical activity and social and emotional health.

Ways to Help Your Community

At the same time that people are facing increased food insecurity, food banks have fewer volunteers and reduced donations. To find your local food bank to see if you can help, visit Feeding America

Make a donation to the Hartford Foundation COVID-19 Response Fund, which provides flexible resources to organizations throughout the region that serve residents who are disproportionately impacted by coronavirus and the economic consequences of the outbreak.