Read about Project ESSY (Expanding Screening to Support Youth)
Project Profiles
Q & A on the Human Rights of Children
We recently interviewed Richard Hiskes about his thoughts on the human rights of children for a CSCH Podcast Episode.
Q & A on the Healthy Family CT Project
CSCH recently asked CSCH Affiliate Valerie Duffy, Professor in the Department of Allied Health Sciences, to tell us about the Healthy Family Connecticut Project, which provides food and nutrition information for Connecticut families.
Q & A on the UConn Mind-Body Health Research Interest Group
CSCH Affiliate Melissa Bray is one of the directors of the UConn Mind-Body Health Research Interest Group. Bray recently answered some questions about how she got interested in mind-body health (MBH), why it’s beneficial and how schools can incorporate MBH interventions into their SEL curriculum.
Q&A on the Pandemic Journaling Project
CSCH Affiliate Sarah Willen is one of the founders of the Pandemic Journaling Project. Willen recently answered some questions about how it started, the recent inclusion of older adolescents as participants, and how teachers can incorporate the site as a resource.
Project Profile: Family Treatment Court Best Practices
Oklahoma Multi-Site Family Treatment Court Model Standards Study Principal Investigator: Margaret Lloyd, UConn School of Social Work Key Partners: The OKMSS will be conducted in partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, the Oklahoma Department of Human Services
Project Profile: Addressing Teacher Well-being
Applying the Healthy Workplace Participatory Program to Address Teacher Well-being: A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study Co-Principal Investigators: Lisa Sanetti, Department of Educational Psychology and Alicia Dugan, Division of Occupational & Environmental Medicine at UConn Health. Co-Investigator: Michele Femc-Bagwell, Department of Educational Leadership