CSCH #schoolequity Twitter Chat

Together with the UConn Neag School of Education, CSCH cohosted a Twitter Chat about the importance of bridging the gap between home and school for diverse students on Monday, October 10, 2018. The chat was co-sponsored by El Instituto and Rebecca Campbell-Montalvo, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Neag School of Education, was the featured guest. Participants were encouraged to watch Dr. Campbell-Montalvo’s CSCH Live Talk, “The Importance of School-Home Intersections: Language, Culture, and Health in the Florida Heartland,” before taking part. See the video here.

During the chat, Dr. Campbell-Montalvo discussed why migrant advocates are important to health care access and the importance of recognizing and validating family culture in schools.

To read through the twitter chat click here.