CSCH News Archive

Kristina Wagstrom headshot

Affiliate Profile: Kristina Wagstrom

Kristina Wagstrom, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department at the University of Connecticut College of Engineering. Wagstrom’s current research focuses on the human health impacts of air pollution, including in school settings (more…)


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Katherine Bernier Carney

Affiliate Profile: Katherine Bernier Carney


Katherine Bernier Carney, Ph.D., RN, is an Assistant Professor in the UConn School of Nursing whose research focuses on improving the quality of life of children with serious illnesses (more…)


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Connecticut WSCC Logo

2024 WSCC Academy

Join us for a day of FREE professional development on implementation of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model! On Friday, May 17, 2024, CSCH and the UConn Rudd Center will host our 2024 WSCC Academy (more…)


CSCH News Archive


WSCC Model

Kim Gans headshot

Affiliate Profile: Kim Gans


Kim Gans, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences at UConn whose research primarily focuses on community-based interventions geared to reduce food insecurity, improve nutrition, physical activity, and prevent obesity (more…)


Affiliate Profiles

CSCH News Archive


wooden balls balanced on flat pieces of wood within yellow circle on dark blue background

Balancing Work and Well-being Fall 2023

Early career professionals and graduate students! Join us for the next event in our continuing series on on balancing work and well-being on Wednesday, November 1 from 11-1 pm ET (more…)


CSCH News Archive


Emma Zuk stands to the right of the UConn Husky statue. She is wearing glasses and in a white dress.

Affiliate Profile: Emma Zuk

Emma Zuk will soon receive her PhD from UConn in the Department of Kinesiology, focusing on physical activity engagement in children (more…)


Affiliate Profiles

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Social and Emotional Climate

Nursing professor Michelle Cole stands in front of a group fo UConn students in Guatemala

Affiliate Profile: Michelle Cole


Michelle Cole, DNP, MSN, RN, CPN, is an Associate Clinical Professor in the UConn School of Nursing. Her main areas of scholarship involve global health, global learning, and pediatric health (more…)


Affiliate Profiles

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Rachel Chazan Cohen

Affiliate Profile: Rachel Chazen Cohen


Dr. Rachal Chazan Cohen Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Human Development and Family Sciences Department at the University of Connecticut. Her main research interest is in how early childhood programs support children’s development and family well-being (more…)


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Preeti Sandhu

Affiliate Profile: Preeti Sandhu


Preeti Sandhu PsyD, is a pediatric psychologist in the division of Pain and Palliative Medicine at Connecticut Children’s Hospital. Her main research interest is in chronic pediatric pain management and she has past experience in providing education on the utilization of trauma-based therapy. (more…)


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little girl with earrings looks to her right and smiles

Q & A on the Human Rights of Children

We recently interviewed Richard Hiskes about his thoughts on the human rights of children for a CSCH Podcast Episode. (more…)


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Project Profiles

Christina Ross

Affiliate Profile: Christina Ross


Christina Ross PhD, RN, is an Assistant Professor in the UConn School of Nursing. Her main research interests focus on the promotion of sexual and reproductive health among vulnerable youth, specifically African-American girls in foster care. (more…)


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Mapping Your Policy Network Workshop March 30 2022 3:00 to 4:30 pm ET

Mapping Your Policy Network Workshop

Join us for a virtual workshop about how researchers can map their policy landscape and create a plan to build relationships with policy stakeholders on Wednesday, March 30, from 3:00 pm to 4:30 p.m. Eastern. (more…)


CSCH News Archive


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Sudha Srinivasan

Affiliate Profile: Sudha Srinivasan


Sudha Srinivasan PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Physical Therapy program within the Department of Kinesiology in the UConn College of Agriculture Health and Natural Resources. (more…)


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Ido Davidesco

Affiliate Profile: Ido Davidesco


Ido Davidesco, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Learning Sciences in the Department of Educational Psychology at UConn’s Neag School of Education (more…)


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L to R, Top: McFarlane, Hussain, Ojide; Bottom, L to R: Perry, Brown CSCH 2021-22 Reserarch Team

Meet our CSCH Student Research Team

We have a strong student research team this year! We asked our student team members to share bit about themselves, their interests, and what drew them to CSCH (more…)



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Screenshot of Healthy Family Connecticut Website with UConn banner on top and picture of carrots and beets with "Fruits & Veggies in Season" and a linbk to "find local markets." "Fact-based food and nutrition information to help you make informed choices for you and your family."

Q & A on the Healthy Family CT Project

CSCH recently asked CSCH Affiliate Valerie Duffy, Professor in the Department of Allied Health Sciences, to tell us about the Healthy Family Connecticut Project, which provides food and nutrition information for Connecticut families. (more…)


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Valerie Duffy

Affiliate Profile: Valerie Duffy

Valerie Duffy, PhD is a registered dietitian, Professor, and Director of the Graduate Program in Health Promotion Sciences, the Department of Allied Health Sciences (more…)


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Mother wearing white and green cloth face mask faces son while putting on black coth fask mask on this face.

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Well-being of Caregivers of Children

In April 2020 CSCH staff surveyed family caregivers of children with and without disabilities to explore their mental and emotional well-being resulting from COVID-19. We followed up 6 months later to see how they were faring. Our three briefs describe how they were managing. (more…)



CSCH News Archive

Family Engagement

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Assistant HDFS Professor Caitlin Lombardi

Affiliate Profile: Caitlin Lombardi

Caitlin Lombardi, Ph.D is an Assistant Professor in UConn’s Department of Human Development and Family Sciences . Her primary research interests are the role of family, early care and education, school, and community in promoting cognitive, language, socioemotional, and health outcomes and the ways in which socioeconomic disadvantage is related to children’s development (more…)


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Social and Emotional Climate

Jesse Mala

Affiliate Profile: Jesse Mala

Jesse Mala is an Assistant Visiting Professor in the UConn Department of Educational Leadership sports management program. He studies how sport can be used to promote positive development among Black and Latinx youth in poverty. (more…)


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Text A CSCH Brief within color

Latest Briefs

Check out our CSCH briefs on CT School Administrator Perspectives on Shifting Priorities During COVID-19, Alternatives to Exclusionary Discipline Practices, Virtual Peace Rooms, and the Social and Emotional Well-being of College Students:



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Jessica Hollenbach

Affiliate Profile: Jessica Hollenbach

Jessica Hollenbach, Ph.D. is Co-Director of the Asthma Center at Connecticut Children’s and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. Her primary research interests include the implementation and dissemination of effective asthma programs in underprivileged communities (more…)


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UConn Collaboratory on School and Child Health - banner and CSCH logo

COVID-19 Study and Resources

Our latest email shared information about a COVID-19 study that our research team is doing, a short list of resources from some great organizations and how to help those in need and provided needed supplies. We have included some of those here.



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Judge hammer on brown lacquered wooden desk

Project Profile: Family Treatment Court Best Practices

Oklahoma Multi-Site Family Treatment Court Model Standards Study

Principal Investigator: Margaret Lloyd, UConn School of Social Work

Key Partners: The OKMSS will be conducted in partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (more…)


CSCH News Archive

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Project Profiles

Jaci VanHeest

Affiliate Profile: Jaci VanHeest


Jaci L. VanHeest, Ph.D is an Associate Professor in the Neag School of Education’s Department of Educational Psychology. Her primary research interest is the endocrine control of bodyweight and how that is impacted by physical activity among elite female athletes and children at risk of obesity. (more…)


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UConn Assistant Professor Ran Xu

Affiliate Profile: Ran Xu


Ran Xu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Allied Health Sciences and is interested in using statistics to address various social science problems. After earning his bachelor’s degree in mathematics, Dr. Xu became interested in how math and statistics can be applied to model human behavior and improve public outcomes. (more…)


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Think about the Link academic social emotional physical behavioral shows gears with 10 domains of whole school, whole community, whole child model in each gear with blue children walking together

WSCC Think about the Link Toolkit

In partnership with staff from New Haven Public Schools and the Connecticut State Department of Education, CSCH has put together a series of brief video modules and written practice briefs to explain the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) components, synthesize related evidence, and share examples of school initiatives and resulting positive outcomes. Check out our WSCC Think about the Link Toolkit!



CSCH News Archive

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Sian Charles-Harris and Carolyn Lumsden working at table

Telling Your Story Media Training

In March and April of 2019, CSCH sponsored a two-part workshop series called Telling Your Story: Tips from Journalists to Bring Your Research to the Public.

Attended by over 25 people from across schools and colleges at UConn, the first session offered perspectives from journalists on how to write for the public about your research. (more…)


CSCH News Archive


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Closeup shot of a diverse group of people applauding together

Announcement of CSCH Encore Grant Awardees

CSCH is pleased to announce and congratulate the awardees of our FY2019 seed grant competition. These grants provide funds to investigators to support projects that align with the vision of CSCH to promote an integrated approach to health and learning through collaborations across the components within the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. (more…)



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Six blank speech bubbles hanging from thread,

Writing for The Conversation Discussion – November 15

Would you like to bring your research to a wider audience? Please join us on November 15, 2018 as we talk to professors about their experience writing for and being published in The Conversation, one of the many resources used by UConn Communications to help disseminate faculty research to the general public (more…)


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Michele Femc-Bagwell

Steering Committee Member Profile: Michele Femc-Bagwell


Michele Femc-Bagwell is Associate Professor in Residence in the Department of Educational Leadership in the Neag School of Education at UConn. She is a former high school English teacher, middle school assistant principal, principal, and holds a Connecticut Superintendent’s certificate (more…)


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Lisa Sanetti in breakout session with UConn students

Building Links in Health and Education Undergraduate Event

On October 30, 2018 CSCH collaborated with the Public Health House Learning Community to host an event titled Field of Dreams: Building Links in Health and Education Using the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model (more…)


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CSCH Booth at Research Connections event surrounded by students

2018 Research Connections

On October 17, 2018, for the second year, CSCH participated in Research Connections, a networking event sponsored by the UConn Learning Communities intended to expose first and second year students to undergraduate research. The CSCH booth stayed busy throughout the evening, with undergraduate students from many disciplines stopping to engage in conversation about opportunities in school and child health. Dr. Chafouleas, CSCH Co-Director, demonstrated how the CSCH website can be used as a resource to connect and learn about opportunities at UConn—from working with researchers to finding related courses to exploring career paths.


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WSCC Model

Read about our October 2018 Twitter Chat: The Importance of Bridging the Gap between Home and School for Diverse Students

CSCH #schoolequity Twitter Chat

Together with the UConn Neag School of Education, CSCH cohosted a Twitter Chat about the importance of bridging the gap between home and school for diverse students on Monday, October 10, 2018. The chat was co-sponsored by El Instituto and Rebecca Campbell-Montalvo, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Neag School of Education, was the featured guest (more…)


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Encore Conference participants listening to pitches

2018 CSCH Encore Conference and Stage One Winners

On September 24, 2018, the UConn Collaboratory on School and Child Health held its second Encore Conference. The Encore conference provided an opportunity for participants to learn about work related to school and/or child health that CSCH affiliates had presented previously at external conferences (more…)



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Read about our April 2018 Twiter Chat (birds talking)

CSCH Twitter Chat: Teacher Stress and Teacher Well-being

Together with the UConn Neag School of Education, CSCH cohosted a Twitter Chat about teacher stress and teacher well-being on Monday, April 23, 2018. Lisa Sanetti, Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, was the featured guest (more…)


CSCH News Archive

Employee Wellness


Previous Years

Alice Forrester

Steering Committee Member Profile: Alice Forrester


Alice Forrester is the Chief Executive Officer of Clifford Beers Clinic in New Haven, CT. She graduated with a BA in Art History and was a performance artist in the East Village of New York City before her interest in drama and group work led her to get a Masters Degree in Drama Therapy (more…)


Affiliate Profiles

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Kathyrn Libal

Steering Committee Member Profile: Kathryn Libal


Kathryn Libal is an anthropologist who has a joint appointment between the UConn School of Social Work and Human Rights Institute (HRI) and directs HRI. Her early love for learning language and travel led her to anthropology (more…)


Affiliate Profiles

CSCH News Archive

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Read about our April 2018 Twiter Chat (birds talking)

CSCH Twitter Chat: The Effect of Play on the Brain

Together with the UConn Neag School of Education, CSCH cohosted a Twitter Chat about the effect of play on the brain on Thursday, February 15, 2018. Jaci VanHeest, Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and the Department of Kinesiology, was the featured guest (more…)


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Lindsay DiStefano

Steering Committee Member Profile: Lindsay DiStefano


Lindsay DiStefano is the Athletic Training Program Director and an Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at UConn. With a background in athletic training and sports medicine and an appreciation of working with children, DiStefano found that “working to prevent sport-related injury in a youth athlete population was a natural fit.” (more…)


Affiliate Profiles

CSCH News Archive

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CSCH Logo and Text: 2018 Encore Seed Grant Winners

Announcement of CSCH Encore Grant Awardees

CSCH is pleased to announce and congratulate the awardees of our FY2018 seed grant competition. These grants provide funds to investigators to support projects that align with the vision of CSCH to promote an integrated approach to health and learning through collaborations across the components within the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. (more…)



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Employee Wellness

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Lisa Sanetti

Steering Committee Member Profile: Lisa Sanetti


Lisa Sanetti is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology within the Neag School of Education. Her primary area of research relates to implementation science, specifically how interventions are implemented in schools (more…)


Affiliate Profiles

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Kerri Raissian

Steering Committee Member Profile: Kerri Raissian


Kerri Raissian is an Assistant Professor in the UConn Department of Public Policy who studies policies that relate to kids and the family. She has a particular interest in policies designed to reduce family violence, either between parents/adults or directed towards children (more…)


Affiliate Profiles

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Encore Conference attendees

First CSCH Encore Conference

On September 18, 2017, the UConn Collaboratory on School and Child Health held its first annual Encore Conference. The Encore conference provided an opportunity for participants to learn about work related to school and/or child health that CSCH affiliates had presented previously at external conferences (more…)


CSCH News Archive


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Marlene Schwartz and Amy Mobley

Announcement of CSCH Grant Awardees

CSCH is pleased to announce and congratulate the two awardees of our FY2017 seed grant competition. These grants provide funds to investigators to support projects that align with the vision of CSCH to promote an integrated approach to health and learning through collaborations across the components within the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model (more…)



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audience with stage

Enhancing Media Presentation Skills in School and Child Health‐Related Topics

CSCH is sponsoring media training for affiliates interested in enhancing skills in effective dissemination and promotion of their work. We are pleased to partner with Drs. Rory McGloin and Stephen Stifano in the Department of Communication, who will lead attendees throughout the fall semester in developing knowledge of effective communication and using skills to produce a TED-style video presentation (more…)



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UConn Academic plan logo

CSCH Receives 3-year UConn Academic Vision Grant

In 2013, UConn launched a comprehensive process to develop a new academic vision and identify initiatives that will enable the University to enhance excellence in research and education. One of the priority areas identified in that process was health and wellness. CSCH is pleased to announce that is has received a 3-year Academic Vision grant as part of the UConn Academic Plan.



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