Who has Access to Early Head Start Home-Visiting and Center-Based Services?
A CSCH Brief by Delaina Carlson, Kyle DeMeo Cook, and Caitlin Lombardi
A CSCH Brief by Delaina Carlson, Kyle DeMeo Cook, and Caitlin Lombardi
Connecticut researchers discuss how school districts planned to support social emotional supports in the aftermath of COVID-19, and what they did.
An introduction to the Connecticut WSCC Partnership and its first year of collaboration with the East Hartford Public Schools.
Our 10 WSCC Practice briefs focus on each domain within the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model and identify evidence-based strategies that schools can use to promote WSCC implementation in their own setting. Strategies are organized by resource demand (i.e., low, medium, and high).
The WSCC Blueprints guide planning efforts around the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. They are geared to school teams interested in the successful implementation and sustainment of Whole Child policy and practice initiatives, with a particular focus on the need for coordination and integration of efforts.
A Rudd/CSCH Brief by Rebecca Puhl
A CSCH Brief by Kathleen M. Williamson, Kimmia Lyon, and Sandra M. Chafouleas
A CSCH Brief by Jessica B. Koslouski and Sandra M. Chafouleas
A CSCH Q & A about an article by Jessica Koslouski, Sandra Chafouleas, and Kristabel Stark
A discussion about Feeling Well: The Science and Practice of Emotional Well-Being, a UConn pop-up course on emotional well-being.
A CSCH Brief by Kyle DeMeo Cook, Eleanor Fisk, Caitlin Lombardi, Kevin Ferreira van Leer, and Vanessa Esquivel
A CSCH Brief by Kyle DeMeo Cook, Kevin Ferreira van Leer, Caitlin Lombardi, and Vanessa Esquivel
A CSCH Brief by Benton M. Renley, Ryan J. Watson, and Helene M. Marcy
Brief #4 in a Series by Jessica B. Koslouski, Oscar Ruiz, Helene M. Marcy, and Sandra M. Chafouleas
Brief #3 in a Series by Jessica B. Koslouski, Oscar Ruiz, Helene M. Marcy, and Sandra M. Chafouleas
Brief #2 in a Series by Jessica B. Koslouski, Helene M. Marcy, Oscar Ruiz, and Sandra M. Chafouleas
Brief #1 in a Series by Jessica B. Koslouski, Oscar Ruiz, Helene M. Marcy, and Sandra M. Chafouleas
A discussion about an initiative in Connecticut that uses restorative practices to reduce juvenile justice involvement and improve school mental health outcomes.
Chris Cipriano, Assistant Professor at the Yale Child Study Center and Director of the Education Collaboratory at Yale talks about her team's work in social emotional learning.
Founders of the UConn Center for Advancing, Research, Methods, and Scholarship in Gun Injury Prevention talk about the impact of gun violence on kids’ health and the policies and practices that can address gun violence prevention.
A CSCH Brief by Christina Ross, PhD, RN
A CSCH Brief by Kathleen M. Williamson, Jessica B. Koslouski, Helene M. Marcy & Sandra M. Chafouleas
CSCH Postdoctoral Scholars Jessica Koslouski and Kathleen Williamson describe the CSCH WSCC Blueprint tools geared to helping schools implement the WSCC model.
UConn Professors Jean Coffey, Damion Grasso, and Cynthia Jones discuss the benefits of nature and how to get outside.
CSCH Director of Programs & Communications Helene Marcy interviews the creators of Feel Your Best Self, a toolkit that uses puppets to teach children strategies that promote emotional well-being.
A CSCH Brief by Helene M. Marcy, Sandra M. Chafouleas, Marlene B. Schwartz, and Sarah L. McKee
CSCH Co-Director Sandra Chafouleas interviews a panel of experts on the state of social emotional learning in Connecticut.
In partnership with The Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry, CSCH has created he Feel Your Best Self toolkit designed to promote emotional well-being through 12 simple strategies using videos, puppetry, and journaling.
A CSCH Brief by Sandra M. Chafouleas, Beth Russell, Helene M. Marcy, and Lisa Sanetti
A CSCH Brief by Angel Ojide, Emily A. Iovino, Jessica Koslouski, Sandra M. Chafouleas, and Helene M. Marcy
A CSCH Tip Sheet based on the CSCH/InCHIP panel discussion, Whole Child Well-Being: Advancing Research Dissemination in Policy and Practice
An Info-graphic based on an article by Jessica B. Koslouski and Sandra M. Chafouleas
CSCH Co-Director Sandra Chafouleas interviews UConn Professor Emeritus Richard Hiskes about his thoughts on the human rights of children.
A CSCH Brief by Caitlin McPherran Lombardi, Kyle DeMeo Cook, and Eleanor Fisk
A CSCH Brief by Emily A. Iovino, Jessica B. Koslouski, Sandra M. Chafouleas, and Hannah Y. Perry
CSCH Affiliates Jenn Cavallari, Alicia Dugan, and Lisa Sanetti discuss their study focused on improving the mental well-being of school teachers and how they work as an interdisciplinary team.
An Info-graphic based on an article by Emily A. Iovino, Jessica B. Koslouski, and Sandra M. Chafouleas
Our CSCH "Building Simple Action Plans to Strengthen Your Well Being" Webinar is geared to school personnel. See accompanying materials.
A CSCH Brief by Emily A. Iovino, Hannah Y. Perry, Sandra M. Chafouleas, Jessica Koslouski, & Helene M. Marcy
A CSCH Tip Sheet by Jessica Koslouski
CSCH Affiliate Leah Lessard discusses her research on the role popular peers may play in reducing weight-based bullying in schools.
A CSCH Brief by Beth Russell, Morica Hutchison, and Helene M. Marcy
A CSCH Brief by Breanna McFarlane, Sandra M. Chafouleas, Marlene B. Schwartz, Helene M. Marcy, Jessica Koslouski, and Emily Iovino
A CSCH Crosswalk written by Emily A. Iovino, Sandra M. Chafouleas, and Hanna Y. Perry
A CSCH Brief by Lisa Sanetti, Jennifer Cavallari, & Alicia Dugan
A CSCH Brief by Lisa Sanetti, Alicia Dugan, & Jennifer Cavallari
CSCH Affiliates Jaci Vanheest and Nneka Arinze, along with Cassandra Rowett, discuss the importance of play and physical activity.
A CSCH Brief by Kerri M. Raissian, Megan Feely and Helene M. Marcy
A CSCH and CBER Position Statement by George Sugai and Sandra M. Chafouleas”
A CSCH Brief by Hannah Y. Perry, Emily A. Iovino, Jacqueline M. Caemmerer, and Sandra M. Chafouleas
CSCH Steering Committee member Jeana Bracey, CSCH Affiliate Damion Grasso, and Michelle Doucette Cunningham discuss what schools and communities can do to promote child wellness during COVID-19.
CSCH Steering Committee members Alice Forrester and Beth Russell, along with CSCH Postdoctoral Scholar Emily Iovino, discuss what schools and communities can do to promote family wellness.
CSCH Steering Committee member Lisa Sanetti, Ravit Stein, and CSCH Affiliate Taylor Koriakin discuss what schools can do to promote employee wellness.
A CSCH Brief by Sandra M. Chafouleas, Emily A. Iovino, Marlene B. Schwartz, & Helene M. Marcy
A CSCH Brief by Emily A. Iovino, Jannell Brown, Alyssa Bunyea, Breanna McFarlane, Angel Ojide, Hannah Perry, Daniel Schwartzman, Cyrus Smith, and Sandra M. Chafouleas
A CSCH Crosswalk written by Sandra M. Chafouleas, Amy M. Briesch, Jennifer N. Dineen, and Helene M. Marcy
A CSCH Brief written by Caitlin Elsaesser, Aditi Das and Helene Marcy
CSCH Affiliate Jesse Mala discusses his research looking at the relationship between sport & physical activity and working memory & perceptions of school climate among youth living in poverty.
CSCH Co-Director Sandra Chafouleas and Amy Briesch of Northeastern University discuss the IES-funded NEEDs2 project that explored what school personnel and families think about the role for schools in student social, emotional, and behavioral screening.
A CSCH Brief written by Emily A. Iovino, Sandra M. Chafouleas, Alyssa Bunyea, and Hannah Y. Perry
A CSCH Brief written by Sandra M. Chafouleas and Emily A. Iovino
A CSCH Report written by Sandra M. Chafouleas, Taylor A. Koriakin, Emily A. Iovino, Jeana Bracey, & Helene M. Marcy
A CSCH Brief written by Sandra M. Chafouleas and Helene M. Marcy
A CSCH Report written by Sandra M. Chafouleas and Helene M. Marcy
A CSCH Brief written by Kerri M. Raissian, Megan Feely, Daniel Schwartzman and Helene M. Marcy
A CSCH Brief written by Margaret H. Lloyd and Helene M. Marcy
CSCH Co-Director Sandra Chafouleas and CSCH Affiliate Emily Iovino discuss their study looking at how the caregivers of children with developmental disabilities define and view their own self-care
A CSCH Brief by CSCH Undergraduate Researcher Breanna McFarlane
A Crosswalk written by Emily A. Iovino and Sandra M. Chafouleas
A CSCH Brief written by Katherine Connolly
CSCH Affiliate Ryan Watson discusses his research on sexual and gender minority youth and their substance abuse. (Part 2 of two episodes on Dr. Watson's research).
CSCH Affiliate Ryan Watson discusses his research on disparities in access to HIV prevention tools among men who have sex with men (Part 1 of two episodes on Dr. Watson's research).
A CSCH Brief by CSCH Undergraduate Researcher Daniel Schwartzman
The WellSAT WSCC is a school policy evaluation tool aligned with the Whole School, Whole Community, and Whole Child (WSCC) model that builds on the history of the WellSAT, which is an evaluation tool for evaluation of school wellness policy.
A CSCH Brief written by Emily Auerbach, Hannah Perry, & Sandra M. Chafouleas
A CSCH Brief written by Megan Berthold and Kathryn Libal
CSCH Co-Director Sandra Chafouleas and CSCH Steering Committee Member Marlene Schwartz discuss their work developing the WellSAT WSCC Tool.
A CSCH Brief by CSCH Undergraduate Researcher Corona Zhang
A CSCH Brief written by CSCH Undergraduate Researcher Ireti Adegbesan
CSCH Steering Committee member Lisa Sanetti interviews CSCH affiliates Xiaomei Cong and Angela Starkweather about their work in the UConn Center for Advancement in Managing Pain.
A CSCH Report written by Katherine Bernier Carney, Carol Polifroni, and Alison Moriarty Daley
The WSCC Toolkit helps schools incorporate the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model into decision-making and the integration of health and learning. It includes tools like practice briefs and planning blueprints to guide work in the coordination of policies, processes, and practices relevant to school and child well-being.
CSCH Live Talk by Rebecca Campbell-Montalvo, PhD - October 2017
CSCH Affiliate Ruth Lucas, PhD, discusses how breastfeeding takes effort on the part of both the baby and the mother
CSCH Live Talk by Lisa Sanetti, PhD - October 2017
CSCH Live Talk by Jaci VanHeest, PhD - October 2017
CSCH Live Talk by Sandra Chafouleas, PhD - October 2017
Panel Discussion after CSCH screening of the documentary film Resilience: The Biology of Stress & the Science of Hope - November 2016
With support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Rudd Foundation, researchers at the Rudd Center for Food Policy & Health developed WellSAT, which allows users to assess the quality of their school district’s written wellness policy.
Prepared by the Community Research Alliance (CRA), with significant input from the Institute for Community Research, faculty of the University of Connecticut School of Medicine in Farmington, CT