A CSCH Brief by Delaina Carlson, Kyle DeMeo Cook, and Caitlin Lombardi
Brief Report CSCH
Reducing Weight Stigma: How Families can Engage in Supportive Communication with Youth of All Body Sizes
A Rudd/CSCH Brief by Rebecca Puhl
Mental Health Training Requirements for High School Coaches
A CSCH Brief by Kathleen M. Williamson, Kimmia Lyon, and Sandra M. Chafouleas
Summary Briefs on Emotional Well-Being
Briefs by CSCH/M3EWB faculty and staff
Social Emotional Learning: Challenges and Solutions to Supporting Children’s Emotion Coping Skills
A CSCH Brief by Jessica B. Koslouski and Sandra M. Chafouleas
Tips for Addressing Trauma and Learning
A CSCH Q & A about an article by Jessica Koslouski, Sandra Chafouleas, and Kristabel Stark
Relationships Between Early Head Start Providers and Families
A CSCH Brief by Kyle DeMeo Cook, Eleanor Fisk, Caitlin Lombardi, Kevin Ferreira van Leer, and Vanessa Esquivel
Racial and Ethnic Match Between Children and Providers in Early Head Start
A CSCH Brief by Kyle DeMeo Cook, Kevin Ferreira van Leer, Caitlin Lombardi, and Vanessa Esquivel
Gender Minority Youth: Links between State Laws, Region, and Gender Affirmation Experiences
A CSCH Brief by Benton M. Renley, Ryan J. Watson, and Helene M. Marcy
Emotional Well-being: Next Steps in Research
Brief #4 in a Series by Jessica B. Koslouski, Oscar Ruiz, Helene M. Marcy, and Sandra M. Chafouleas
Emotional Well-being: How do we Measure it?
Brief #3 in a Series by Jessica B. Koslouski, Oscar Ruiz, Helene M. Marcy, and Sandra M. Chafouleas
Emotional Well-being: Contributors and Consequences
Brief #2 in a Series by Jessica B. Koslouski, Helene M. Marcy, Oscar Ruiz, and Sandra M. Chafouleas
What is Emotional Well-being?
Brief #1 in a Series by Jessica B. Koslouski, Oscar Ruiz, Helene M. Marcy, and Sandra M. Chafouleas
The Importance of Sexual and Reproductive Health Education for Foster Care Adolescents and their Caregivers
A CSCH Brief by Christina Ross, PhD, RN
The WSCC Blueprints: Guides for Implementing Practices and Policies Aligned with the WSCC Model
A CSCH Brief by Kathleen M. Williamson, Jessica B. Koslouski, Helene M. Marcy & Sandra M. Chafouleas
How do School Policies Align with the WSCC Model? A Connecticut Evaluation
A CSCH Brief by Helene M. Marcy, Sandra M. Chafouleas, Marlene B. Schwartz, and Sarah L. McKee
How to Testify at a Public Hearing
A CSCH and Rudd Center Tip Sheet for Connecticut researchers
Team Science: Fostering Successful Collaborations in School and Child Health Research
A CSCH Brief by Sandra M. Chafouleas, Beth Russell, Helene M. Marcy, and Lisa Sanetti
Black Women are Dying from Childbirth: What You Need to Know
A CSCH Brief by Angel Ojide, Emily A. Iovino, Jessica Koslouski, Sandra M. Chafouleas, and Helene M. Marcy
Connecting with Policymakers: Resources and Tips for Connecticut Researchers
A CSCH Tip Sheet based on the CSCH/InCHIP panel discussion, Whole Child Well-Being: Advancing Research Dissemination in Policy and Practice
The Role of Early Head Start in Supporting Families with Diverse Strengths and Needs
A CSCH Brief by Caitlin McPherran Lombardi, Kyle DeMeo Cook, and Eleanor Fisk
Resources to Support Family-School Engagement
A CSCH Brief by Emily A. Iovino, Jessica B. Koslouski, Sandra M. Chafouleas, and Hannah Y. Perry
Evaluating a Facebook Group Self-Care Intervention for Caregivers of Children with Disabilities
A CSCH Brief by Emily A. Iovino, Hannah Y. Perry, Sandra M. Chafouleas, Jessica Koslouski, & Helene M. Marcy
Supporting Well-Being: Six Tips Anyone Can Use During Times of Uncertainty
A CSCH Tip Sheet by Jessica Koslouski
PRISM: Preliminary Results from an Online Mindfulness Intervention for Adolescents
A CSCH Brief by Beth Russell, Morica Hutchison, and Helene M. Marcy
WellSAT WSCC: A Comprehensive Tool for Evaluating School Wellness Policies
A CSCH Brief by Breanna McFarlane, Sandra M. Chafouleas, Marlene B. Schwartz, Helene M. Marcy, Jessica Koslouski, and Emily Iovino
Back to School Resources: Aligning Guidance with the WSCC Model, V3
A CSCH Crosswalk written by Emily A. Iovino, Sandra M. Chafouleas, and Hanna Y. Perry
Teacher Mental Health and the COVID-19 Pandemic
A CSCH Brief by Lisa Sanetti, Jennifer Cavallari, & Alicia Dugan
Total Worker Health – A New Direction in Supporting Teacher Well-Being
A CSCH Brief by Lisa Sanetti, Alicia Dugan, & Jennifer Cavallari
Systems Synergy: How Reducing Poverty Can Prevent Child Neglect
A CSCH Brief by Kerri M. Raissian, Megan Feely and Helene M. Marcy
Reopening Schools Requires Doing Less, Better
A CSCH and CBER Position Statement by George Sugai and Sandra M. Chafouleas”
Impact of COVID-19 on the Well-being of Caregivers of Children with and without Disabilities: a Six-Month Follow-up
A CSCH Brief by Hannah Y. Perry, Emily A. Iovino, Jacqueline M. Caemmerer, and Sandra M. Chafouleas
Connecticut School Administrator Perspectives on Shifting Priorities During COVID-19
A CSCH Brief by Sandra M. Chafouleas, Emily A. Iovino, Marlene B. Schwartz, & Helene M. Marcy
A 2020 Focus on the Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Well-Being of College Students
A CSCH Brief by Emily A. Iovino, Jannell Brown, Alyssa Bunyea, Breanna McFarlane, Angel Ojide, Hannah Perry, Daniel Schwartzman, Cyrus Smith, and Sandra M. Chafouleas
Mapping Promising Alternative Approaches to Exclusionary Practices in U.S. Schools
A CSCH Crosswalk written by Sandra M. Chafouleas, Amy M. Briesch, Jennifer N. Dineen, and Helene M. Marcy
Using Restorative Practices with a Virtual Peace Room
A CSCH Brief written by Caitlin Elsaesser, Aditi Das and Helene Marcy
Caregiver Voices: The Initial Impact of COVID-19 on Caregivers of Children with and without Disabilities
A CSCH Brief written by Emily A. Iovino, Sandra M. Chafouleas, Alyssa Bunyea, and Hannah Y. Perry
Initial Impact of COVID-19 on the Well-being of Caregivers of Children with and without Disabilities
A CSCH Brief written by Sandra M. Chafouleas and Emily A. Iovino
Responding to COVID-19: Simple Strategies Anyone Can Use to Foster an Emotionally Safe School Environment
A CSCH Report written by Sandra M. Chafouleas, Taylor A. Koriakin, Emily A. Iovino, Jeana Bracey, & Helene M. Marcy
Engaging a Whole School Approach in Re-Opening Schools
A CSCH Brief written by Sandra M. Chafouleas and Helene M. Marcy
Responding to COVID-19: Planning for Trauma-Informed Assessment in Schools
A CSCH Report written by Sandra M. Chafouleas and Helene M. Marcy
Preventing Child Neglect: Looking at the problem through a macro lens
A CSCH Brief written by Kerri M. Raissian, Megan Feely, Daniel Schwartzman and Helene M. Marcy
Helping Babies and Families: How states address the needs of opiate-exposed infants
A CSCH Brief written by Margaret H. Lloyd and Helene M. Marcy
Using Kindness Activities to Promote Positive Social Interactions in Middle School
A CSCH Brief by CSCH Undergraduate Researcher Breanna McFarlane
Family Engagement Strategies: Aligning the CT SDE Framework and CSCH Evidence-Informed Practices
A Crosswalk written by Emily A. Iovino and Sandra M. Chafouleas
Supporting Gender Expansive Youth: Considerations for Healthcare Providers
A CSCH Brief written by Katherine Connolly
The Great American Smokeout: Tackling the Vaping Epidemic in Schools
A CSCH Brief by CSCH Undergraduate Researcher Daniel Schwartzman
Stress: Family Caregivers of Children with Disabilities
A CSCH Brief written by Emily Auerbach, Hannah Perry, & Sandra M. Chafouleas
Migrant Children’s Rights to Health and Rehabilitation
A CSCH Brief written by Megan Berthold and Kathryn Libal
Remodeling Adolescent Risk for Sexual Violence
A CSCH Brief by CSCH Undergraduate Researcher Corona Zhang
The End of “Because I Said So”: Positive Social and Emotional Responsiveness
A CSCH Brief written by CSCH Undergraduate Researcher Ireti Adegbesan
School-Based Health Centers: A Means to Meet the WSCC Model
A CSCH Report written by Katherine Bernier Carney, Carol Polifroni, and Alison Moriarty Daley
Team Science Principles in School and Child Health Research
A CSCH Report written by Lisa Sanetti