Author: Helene Marcy

Affiliate Profile: Kristina Wagstrom

Background Kristina Wagstrom, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department at the University of Connecticut College of Engineering. Wagstrom’s current research focuses on the human health impacts of air pollution, including in school settings

Affiliate Profile: Rachel Chazen Cohen

Background Dr. Rachal Chazan Cohen Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Human Development and Family Sciences Department at the University of Connecticut. Her main research interest is in how early childhood programs support children’s development and family well-being

Affiliate Profile: Caitlin Lombardi

Background Caitlin Lombardi, Ph.D is an Assistant Professor in UConn’s Department of Human Development and Family Sciences . Her primary research interests are the role of family, early care and education, school, and community in promoting cognitive, language, socioemotional, and health outcomes and the ways in which socioeconomic disadvantage is related to children’s development

Affiliate Profile: Jessica Hollenbach

Background Jessica Hollenbach, Ph.D. is Co-Director of the Asthma Center at Connecticut Children’s and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. Her primary research interests include the implementation and dissemination of effective asthma programs in underprivileged communities

Impact of COVID-19 on Family Caregivers of Children with Developmental Disabilities

The purpose of this project is to evaluate reported stress, caregiving burden, and personal well-being needs of caregivers of children with moderate and severe developmental disabilities  compared to caregivers of typically developing children. This study is funded by a seed grant from the University of Connecticut’s Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy (InCHIP)… Read more

Caregiver Voices: The Initial Impact of COVID-19 on Caregivers of Children with and without Disabilities

A CSCH Brief written by Emily A. Iovino, Sandra M. Chafouleas, Alyssa Bunyea, and Hannah Y. Perry

Family Treatment Court Best Practices

Children and families affected by a parent’s addiction served in family treatment courts (FTCs) experience a range of positive outcomes compared to traditional child welfare courts. This rigorous quasi-experimental study examines how FTC Best Practice Standards are being implemented and looks at their effectiveness (including cost benefit analysis) for quickly and permanently reuniting safe and… Read more

Project Profile: Family Treatment Court Best Practices

Oklahoma Multi-Site Family Treatment Court Model Standards Study Principal Investigator: Margaret Lloyd, UConn School of Social Work Key Partners: The OKMSS will be conducted in partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, the Oklahoma Department of Human Services

Affiliate Profile: Jaci VanHeest

Background Jaci L. VanHeest, Ph.D is an Associate Professor in the Neag School of Education’s Department of Educational Psychology. Her primary research interest is the endocrine control of bodyweight and how that is impacted by physical activity among elite female athletes and children at risk of obesity.

Affiliate Profile: Ran Xu

Background Ran Xu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Allied Health Sciences and is interested in using statistics to address various social science problems. After earning his bachelor’s degree in mathematics, Dr. Xu became interested in how math and statistics can be applied to model human behavior and improve public outcomes.

WSCC Think about the Link Toolkit

In partnership with staff from New Haven Public Schools and the Connecticut State Department of Education, CSCH has put together a series of brief video modules and written practice briefs to explain the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) components, synthesize related evidence, and share examples of school initiatives and resulting positive outcomes. Check… Read more

Public Health House and CSCH Gun Policy Prevention Panel

On April 2, 2019 CSCH collaborated with the Public Health House Learning Community, the School of Nursing, and the Human Rights Institute to host an event entitled Gun Violence Prevention: A Public Health Imperative during National Public Health Week.

Telling Your Story: Tips from Journalists to Bring Your Research to the Public

Please note that this event has been rescheduled to March 11, 2019. The Collaboratory on School and Child Health, the Neag School of Education, the Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy (InCHIP), and the Department of Journalism bring you Telling Your Story: Tips from Journalists to Bring Your Research to the Public

Announcement of CSCH Encore Grant Awardees

CSCH is pleased to announce and congratulate the awardees of our FY2019 seed grant competition. These grants provide funds to investigators to support projects that align with the vision of CSCH to promote an integrated approach to health and learning through collaborations across the components within the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model.

Steering Committee Member Profile: Michele Femc-Bagwell

Background Michele Femc-Bagwell is Associate Professor in Residence in the Department of Educational Leadership in the Neag School of Education at UConn. She is a former high school English teacher, middle school assistant principal, principal, and holds a Connecticut Superintendent’s certificate

Building Links in Health and Education Undergraduate Event

On October 30, 2018 CSCH collaborated with the Public Health House Learning Community to host an event titled Field of Dreams: Building Links in Health and Education Using the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model

2018 Research Connections

On October 17, 2018, for the second year, CSCH participated in Research Connections, a networking event sponsored by the UConn Learning Communities intended to expose first and second year students to undergraduate research. The CSCH booth stayed busy throughout the evening, with undergraduate students from many disciplines stopping to engage in conversation about opportunities in… Read more

CSCH #schoolequity Twitter Chat

Together with the UConn Neag School of Education, CSCH cohosted a Twitter Chat about the importance of bridging the gap between home and school for diverse students on Monday, October 10, 2018. The chat was co-sponsored by El Instituto and Rebecca Campbell-Montalvo, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Neag School of Education, was the featured guest

Steering Committee Member Profile: Lindsay DiStefano

Background Lindsay DiStefano is the Athletic Training Program Director and an Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at UConn. With a background in athletic training and sports medicine and an appreciation of working with children, DiStefano found that “working to prevent sport-related injury in a youth athlete population was a natural fit.”

Announcement of CSCH Encore Grant Awardees

CSCH is pleased to announce and congratulate the awardees of our FY2018 seed grant competition. These grants provide funds to investigators to support projects that align with the vision of CSCH to promote an integrated approach to health and learning through collaborations across the components within the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model.

UConn Science Salon Featured Work of CSCH

The UConn Collaboratory on School and Child Health (CSCH) was excited to partner with co-sponsors UConn and the UConn Foundation to host the first Science Salon of the 2018 series. The event, “How Schools Succeed by Nurturing the Whole Child,” took place on the evening of Thursday, Nov. 9, at the Lyceum in Hartford, Connnecticut

Announcement of CSCH Grant Awardees

CSCH is pleased to announce and congratulate the two awardees of our FY2017 seed grant competition. These grants provide funds to investigators to support projects that align with the vision of CSCH to promote an integrated approach to health and learning through collaborations across the components within the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC)… Read more

Enhancing Media Presentation Skills in School and Child Health‐Related Topics

CSCH is sponsoring media training for affiliates interested in enhancing skills in effective dissemination and promotion of their work. We are pleased to partner with Drs. Rory McGloin and Stephen Stifano in the Department of Communication, who will lead attendees throughout the fall semester in developing knowledge of effective communication and using skills to produce… Read more


Health education includes a combination of planned learning opportunities to help students make positive health decisions. High-quality instruction engages students across a developmental continuum in learning about, adopting, and promoting healthy behaviors – see for example the Michigan Model for Health. Health education includes school-wide to individualized opportunities, identified based on needs of particular contexts,… Read more

Low Cost Portable Device for Breastfeeding Diagnostics

Dr. Ruth Lucas and Dr. Bin Feng have created a device that allows for measurement of an infants’ sucking microstructure during breast and bottle feeding in the home setting. A Connecticut Bioscience Pipeline Grant will allow researchers to test the device in home settings for reliability, tolerance and acceptance during feeding. For more information, contact… Read more

CSCH Receives 3-year UConn Academic Vision Grant

In 2013, UConn launched a comprehensive process to develop a new academic vision and identify initiatives that will enable the University to enhance excellence in research and education. One of the priority areas identified in that process was health and wellness. CSCH is pleased to announce that is has received a 3-year Academic Vision grant… Read more